Knows a lot about a few, a little about some and nothing about a lot of things.
A diplomatic, solution oriented and determined teamplayer. Either asks a lot of questions, or does not talk at all.
Technical background in Java development for Linux platforms and QA, Jenkins + GitLab CI pipelines and administration of virtualization and container environments.
Since June 2020
Design of a new virtualizastion infrastructure (Proxmox + Ceph) -- Design and administration of Kubernetes infrastructure (K3s + AWS) -- adinistration of developer platforms (GitLab, Jenkins, Sonar, Nexus, ...)
July 2019 - May 2020
Administration of multiple Jenkins servers -- Release-testing -- Restructuring of Jenkins using Jenkins pipelines -- Design of a completely new CI-prozess and infrastructure -- switching production repositories from HG-forest to Git
August 2017 - June 2019
Apprenticeship Mathematical-Technical-Software-Developer (MATSE) -- Development of a Java GUI tool for internal software analysis -- Analysis of (P)RNGs on different platforms
August 2017 - June 2019
Mathematical-Technical-Software-Developer (MATSE)
October 2013 - April 2015
Dropped out
No please don't. Won't pick up anyway.